Information Evening

The Courage to Succeed

Marian College provides opportunities for all students to grow in positive and diverse ways.

Our strong academic focus and comprehensive program of wellbeing provides a safe, inclusive environment where students find the courage to face challenges confidently, explore individual creativity and nurture their unique gifts and talents.

At Marian College we challenge students to reach high and to reject the concept that ‘success’ and ‘intelligence’ are predetermined.

Integral to our College are the strong values and Christian mission that guides and supports our work. As a Kildare Education Ministries College in Brigidine tradition, we understand the role we share with parents and guardians, to nurture our young people towards independence, confidence and compassion.

Transition to Secondary School

At Marian College we acknowledge that entering secondary school is both exciting and challenging. The new location, routine and expectations may be daunting to some Year 7 students. However, we make every effort to ensure that our Year 7 students settle in as comfortably and confidently as possible.

We have two full Orientation Days, which give the students a realistic taste of things to come. The Grade 6 students tend to leave this day feeling a little more familiar with their surroundings and warmly welcomed into the Marian College Community. The Transition Coordinator provides extra transition sessions for any students feeling vulnerable about beginning their educational journey at Marian College.

In addition, the College convenes two Information Evenings where both parents and students meeting staff and become familiar with the facilities, routines and policies.

As the students commence secondary school in 2024, they will have an Orientation Week in Week 1 and the Year 7 Camp is held early in Term 1. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with new peers in a friendly, safe and enjoyable surrounding. Many activities focus on team building, friendships and getting to know each other and the Marian community.

Parents are encouraged to work in partnership with staff, to help develop good routines, positive self-esteem and effective work habits in their children. Through regular contact between teachers and parents via the TA Reports (available through the Parent Access Module), phone calls and meetings, little problems tend to be resolved quite simply.

We look forward to working together to make your child’s transition to Marian College a memorable and special experience.


Please contact the College office on 5352 3861 to arrange a time.
